Date: 01-01-2008 / 31-12-2009

BITES – BIofuels Technologies European Showcase

BITES is a pan-European dissemination action for the promotion and uptake of biofuel chains in Europe.
Bites is a project promoted by 5 national associations globally gathering more than 600 members and representing different regions of the EU with the support of a specialized communication agency.
The project identifies biofuel demonstration projects or initiatives that have proven successful in developing high performance, economically viable and compliant to EU regulations biofuel chains. A forum gathers experts in representation of different biofuel-related interests structured in 3 working groups, looking at biofuels uptake form three different angles: technical, legal and economic.


Minerva set up the project communication strategy and manages all the communication and dissemination activities, including the Website and the organisation of events and press relations.